Tips for a great pre-match routine

Tips for a great pre-match routine

As a football referee, a solid pre-match routine is your ticket to a successful and composed performance on the pitch. Just as players prepare physically and mentally, referees should have a routine that helps them stay sharp and make confident decisions.

As a football referee, a solid pre-match routine is your ticket to a successful and composed performance on the pitch. Just as players prepare physically and mentally, referees should have a routine that helps them stay sharp and make confident decisions.

Rulebook Review

Rulebook Review

Begin by reviewing the Laws of the Game. Even experienced referees benefit from a quick refresher. Focus on recent rule changes and any special instructions for the game.

Begin by reviewing the Laws of the Game. Even experienced referees benefit from a quick refresher. Focus on recent rule changes and any special instructions for the game.

Gear Check

Gear Check

Ensure you have all your necessary equipment, including a whistle, cards, a watch, and any other officiating tools. Make sure everything is in good working order.

Ensure you have all your necessary equipment, including a whistle, cards, a watch, and any other officiating tools. Make sure everything is in good working order.



Take a few moments to visualise yourself officiating the match flawlessly. Imagine making correct decisions and staying calm under pressure. This mental exercise can boost your confidence.

Take a few moments to visualise yourself officiating the match flawlessly. Imagine making correct decisions and staying calm under pressure. This mental exercise can boost your confidence.

Arrival Time

Arrival Time

Arrive at the venue well in advance. Being punctual will allow you to assess the pitch conditions, interact with team captains, and prepare without feeling rushed.

Arrive at the venue well in advance. Being punctual will allow you to assess the pitch conditions, interact with team captains, and prepare without feeling rushed.

Physical Warm-Up

Physical Warm-Up

Just like the players, referees should warm up their bodies. A light jog or some dynamic stretches can help you stay agile during the game.

Just like the players, referees should warm up their bodies. A light jog or some dynamic stretches can help you stay agile during the game.

Pre-Game Meeting

Pre-Game Meeting

Meet with the team captains and coaches to discuss your expectations and any specific concerns. This can help set the tone for fair play.

Meet with the team captains and coaches to discuss your expectations and any specific concerns. This can help set the tone for fair play.

Positive Affirmations

Positive Affirmations

Remind yourself of your skills and experience. Positive self-talk can help you stay confident and composed.

Remind yourself of your skills and experience. Positive self-talk can help you stay confident and composed.

Deep Breathing

Deep Breathing

Before taking the field, practice deep breathing exercises. Inhale for a count of four, hold for four, and exhale for four. This can help calm pre-match nerves.

Before taking the field, practice deep breathing exercises. Inhale for a count of four, hold for four, and exhale for four. This can help calm pre-match nerves.



As the match approaches, concentrate on the task at hand. Your role is to officiate the game to the best of your abilities, ensuring fairness and sportsmanship.

As the match approaches, concentrate on the task at hand. Your role is to officiate the game to the best of your abilities, ensuring fairness and sportsmanship.

Game Face

Game Face

Put on your game face as you step onto the field. Exude confidence and authority, setting the tone for the match.

Put on your game face as you step onto the field. Exude confidence and authority, setting the tone for the match.